
Shortcode to show Schedule Layout 1

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Schedule Layout 1

May 8, 2020 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Seminar Hall

Ensuring Quality Before Testing with BDD collaboration

This session walks through the purpose, benefits, usage, collaboration, demo with the use of Behavior Driven Development approach. With this methodology, teams of product owners, developers, and testers can collaborate to figure out the requirements and features to be developed first.

May 8, 2020 2:48 pm - 4:48 pm Trainings Session

Engineering Practices to Scale

An Effective Engineering team is shaped by the way they approach any work they do. It is these practices that can set them up for success or push them back with setbacks. I will be sharing some of the Engineering Practices that has helped our team to scale and aspire to be the better Engineering […]

Stuart Devis Co-Founder / Devis Brown
May 8, 2020 4:49 pm - 1:15 pm Trainings Session

Engineering Practices to Scale

An Effective Engineering team is shaped by the way they approach any work they do. It is these practices that can set them up for success or push them back with setbacks. I will be sharing some of the Engineering Practices that has helped our team to scale and aspire to be the better Engineering […]

Stuart Devis Co-Founder / Devis Brown
May 9, 2020 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm Conference

The Future of Service and Operations

Every operational side of the business has the need for progress which may differ from one another. To make everything simple, you might want to clear up some confusion and what’s better than attending this fruitful session.